Fb Reporting Active Location and Its Not Where I Am

Indefinite of Facebook's many features is that you can "check in" from your current location, letting your friends and family know where you are or where you've been. You can also use Facebook to let your friends know where you are right now using the Nearby Friends feature.

If you take a moment to consider what this means, you'll understand that it means Facebook is holding tabs on your every movement. As The Wall Street Journal recently uncovered, this data is being used for more than just portion you get in touch with your friends.

If you don't feel comfortable sharing your every move with a bunch of advertisers, you nates protect your secrecy and disable location tracking.

  • How to disable location trailing in Facebook on iPhone and iPad
  • How to stop Facebook from saving your location history
  • How to delete your location story from Facebook connected iPhone and iPad
  • How to finish sharing your placement with nearby friends in Facebook on iPhone and iPad

How to disable position tracking in Facebook on iPhone and iPad

If you wish to burn the entire Facebook location trailing ability to the ground. The easiest way to stop it is to disable location tracking for the Facebook app.

  1. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap on Privacy.
  3. Tap on Location Services.

    Open Settings, tap Privacy, then tap Location Services

  4. Water tap on Facebook.
  5. Beg on Never.

    Tap Facebook, then tap Never

Facebook will not have any location tracking access, not for storing your localization account while you use the app, not to Army of the Pure friends nearby know where you are. It's blackness as far-off as location trailing is concerned.

How to stop Facebook from saving your fix account

Maybe you care the check-in and Friends Nearby features of Facebook and don't thinker sharing some of your location information with the accompany in exchange for those features. You posterior impart position tracking on (or sic it to Only Spell Victimisation the App) and turn off the history saving part. This is where data miners tend to get the most useful info from you.

  1. Undefendable the Facebook app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap the More tab in the nethermost right recess of the block out.
  3. Scroll push down and tap Settings.

    Open Facebook, tap the More menu tab, then tap Settings

  4. Hydrant Account Settings.
  5. Tap Location.
  6. Turn off the Position History switch.

    Tap Account Settings, then tap Location, then turn off Location History

How to delete your location account from Facebook along iPhone and iPad

If Location History has ever been enabled on your iPhone, that history is stored with Facebook. You can cancel your location history so that it's no more longer stored with Facebook.

  1. Open the Facebook app connected your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Tap the More tab in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  3. Scroll inoperative and tap Settings.
  4. Pat Activity Log.
  5. Hydrant Filter.
  6. Dab Location History.
  7. Tip Clear Location History.
  8. Tap Confirm.

This deletes all of your stored location histories. If you choose to dungeon location tracking on in any capacity, you'll probably wish to do this vomit every once in a while.

How to point sharing your location with nigh friends in Facebook on iPhone and iPad

If you like the stoppage-in lineament of Facebook's location tracking, merely don't really want your friends to know that you'atomic number 75 nearby, you backside cut just this feature, while tranquillize allowing Facebook to track your placement (and store it if you don't lack to disable Locating History).

  1. Unrestricted the Facebook app happening your iPhone Beaver State iPad.
  2. Tap the More tab in the bottom right corner of the screen.
  3. Whorl down and tap Settings.

    Open Facebook, tap the More menu tab, then tap Settings

  4. Tap Account Settings.
  5. Tap Positioning.

    Tap Account Settings, then tap Location

  6. Hydrant Nearby Friends.
  7. Turn off the Nearby Friends switch.

    Tap Nearby Friends, then turn off Nearby Friends

Whatsoever position tracking questions?

Do you own any questions virtually Facebook's location tracking features and how to disable them? LET me know and I'll do some research.

Fb Reporting Active Location and Its Not Where I Am

Source: https://www.imore.com/how-stop-facebook-tracking-your-location

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