Iphone 5 Screen Shows After Hardware Screws Not Put Back in Right Spots

General tips before you get started with your iPhone 5, 5C, 5S, and SE display replacement.
An iPhone 5 will be used in this text guide but the differences between these two models are minimal but highlighted throughout the guide. Our video guides show the iPhone 5,  5C, and 5S/SE separately.
The iPhone 5, 5C, 5S, and SE are very similar in terms of build, although their screens are slightly different. Throughout the guide we'll clearly mark the minor differences between the models.

We sell our screens both with inner parts pre-assembled (home button & flex, front camera flex, ear speaker, LCD shield) but also without inner parts. The 5S/SE pre-assembled screen will not come with a home button as this part needs to be removed from the original screen in order to keep the touch ID functionality. 5S & SE users: transfer the home button and its flex from the original screen to new unit.
Using a screen with inner parts pre-assembled shortens the replacement process and also allows to skip certain tedious steps (steps 6-13 can be skipped). We show the replacement process for both options in this guide.

We recommend reading through the entire guide before carrying out the replacement. This will give a general idea of what you are up against and you will feel more comfortable when disassembling your iPhone. We'd like to begin by issuing caution throughout the replacement process. You are, after all, operating on a hi-tech device. The warnings below (1-4) address rare problems (less than 1 in 1000 users experience one these) but they should still be taken seriously.

Our support is available seven days a week per email if you need any assistance.

Step 4
Remove the top right connector plate and disconnect the screen.

Keep holding the front assembly at a 90 degree angle. The top right metal plate covers the LCD, touch (digitizer), and front camera (+ear speaker) connectors. Remove the Phillips screws (iPhone 5: 3 screws, iPhone 5C: 4 screws) holding the plate and set them aside in the order they were removed (keep them organized!). Then grab the plate and place it next to the screws. Disconnect the LCD, touch, and front camera cable connectors with the spudger in a similar fashion as the battery connector. Rest the spudger on a metal object (metal shield of the metal back assembly), not any small sensitive components on the motherboard then lever the connectors up. They disconnect easy so move slowly and carefully. Once the connectors have been disconnected, the screen can be lifted off.

The screws are of different lengths and need to go back into the same hole they were removed from to avoid motherboard damage. Longest screw (both iPhone 5 and 5C) goes in the top right hole.
iPhone 5C has its second longest screw in the top left hole.
The 5 S and SE have two equally long screws in the top right and top left hole.
The two shortest screws go in the bottom left and bottom right hole.
The 5C, 5S, SE's third and last connector (touch connector) will be vertical.

Remove the Phillips screws. The iPhone 5C, 5S, SE has a fourth screw circled with yellow.

Pick up and set the metal plate aside.

Disconnect the three connectors.

Begin with the front camera connector.

Front camera connector disconnected.

Disconnect the LCD connector.

LCD connector disconnected.

Disconnect the touch connector. This connector will be vertical on the 5C.

Step 5
Test the new screen (optional but highly recommended).

Now that the old screen is removed it's easy to test the new screen before assembling the phone completely. Testing the screen at this point will show if it works properly or not. If it doesn't, it's quick and easy to re-install the old screen.

If a screen without inner parts is used it'll have two connectors; LCD and touch.
If a screen with inner parts is used then the front camera will also be connected, resulting in a third connector (not pictured).

Hold the screen adjacent to the back assembly and align its connector to their sockets on the motherboard.
Once the first connector is aligned, press it on one end with your finger then move your finger to the other end. A soft click will be heard or felt as the connector snaps onto its socket.
Connect the two/three screen connectors then do the same with the battery's connector. No need to screw down the plates.
Lower the screen and let it rest on top of the back assembly. Start the phone. Make sure the LCD lights up well then slide a finger across the screen to test the touch. Once the screen has been tested, turn off the phone.

If a screen with inner parts is being fitted, skip ahead to Step 13. The remaining process is significantly shorter.
If a screen without inner parts is being fitted, the parts from the original screen need to be removed and installed on the new screen. Continue to the next step

The battery needs to be disconnected before the screen is disconnected. When re-connecting the screen the battery needs to be connected after the screen.

Old screen removed, new screen ready to be tested.

Hold the screen adjacent to the back assembly.

Align its first connector.

Connect its first (touch) connector. Press it on one end...

... then slide your finger across it to fully connect it.

Connect the second connector (LCD). Connect the third connector if using a screen with inner parts (not pictured).

Connect the battery's connector.

Lower the screen and start the phone.

Turn off the phone once satisfied.

Step 9
Remove the home button and its flex.

The home button is secured with a metal shield which is held in place with two identical Phillips screws. Remove the screws then lift the home button's flex from the right side in a similar fashion as the front camera flex a few steps back. Work one end of the tweezers underneath the flex then lift it carefully. Set the metal shield and home button flex aside.
Push the home button's plastic button from the front side to remove it. It's held in place with a rubber gasket that has adhesive around it. Avoid touching the adhesive not to soften the adhesive. This part will be re-used. Leave the rubber gasket on the home button.

Now all the parts are stripped from the old screen and shall be re-assembled onto the new screen. The re-assembly process is very similar to he disassembly process but backwards.

Begin by removing the two screws holding the shield then work the tweezers underneath the flex.

Lift the flex carefully with the tweezers.

Press the plastic home button.

The home button will come loose from the back.

Step 10
Install the home button.

If there's a film on the screen, remove it. Fit the plastic home button with its rubber gasket in place. Flip the screen to make sure the home button is well placed.
Place the home buttons shield and flex on top of the plastic button and press down the flex's left part so that it sticks to the frame. Secure the shield with its two Phillips screws.

If there's a film on the screen, remove it.

Grab the plastic button with its rubber frame and put it in place.

Screen (front side) with the button in place.

Place the home button shield and flex on the button.

Secure the shield with its two Phillips screws.

Step 11
Install the LCD shield.

Put the LCD shield in place. Guide it in between the metal rails on the side of necessary. Locate its six Phillips screws and screw them fastened. The longest screw goes in the top hole.

Guide the shield with the tweezers.

Secure the shield with its screws.

Step 12
Install the front camera flex and the ear speaker.

Fix the front camera flex's application mic into its rubber gasket on the front assembly's frame. Press it down with your finger. Fold the remaining flex 180 degrees so that the camera and the sensors fall into place. Two gold-colored pads should now be visible. The two gold-colored springs on the ear speaker need to fall on top of the two pads for the ear speaker to be connected. Place the ear speaker in place then put its shield on top. Secure the shield with its two Phillips screws, longest screw in the top left hole.

Locate the rubber holder of the mic.

Place the mic in its rubber gasket on the frame.

Fold the flex on expose the two pads.

Take notice of the springs on the ear speaker and the pads; the springs need to be in contact with the pads.

Place the ear speaker on top of the pads.

Secure the ear speaker with its shield and two screws. Longest screw in the top left hole.

Step 13
Complete front assembly (all inner parts installed).

The front assembly has now been fitted with all its inner parts and it's ready for final assembly.
Our front assembly with "inner parts pre-installed" will look like this out of the box.

Fully assembled front assembly with all inner parts installed.

Fully assembled front assembly with all inner parts installed.

Step 14
Connect the front assembly to the motherboard.

Hold the top of the front assembly adjacent to the top of the back assembly and align the first connector from the front assembly with its socket on the motherboard. Once the connector is right on top of its socket, connect it by pressing one of its ends with your finger, then move your finger over the connector to the other end. When the connector attaches to its socket a soft click is heard or felt. Once the first connector is connected, move on to the second, and finally the third. The connectors are small and can be difficult to align correctly. It can take several attempts and some tinkering before the connectors are fully connected.

If the LCD connector is not fully connected lines, squares or odd colors may appear on the screen once the phone starts up.
If the touch connector is not fully connected the touchscreen will either not respond or react poorly.
If the front camera connector is not fully connected the front camera and/or the ear speaker (used during calls) will not work.
If any of these issues appear after the phone has started, go back to this step and adjust (disconnect then re-connect) the appropriate connector.
Our support is ready to help if needed: support@scandi.tech

After the three front assembly connectors, connect the battery's connector as well.

Once all the connectors are connected, an optional step before completing the installation is to test the front assembly. It's recommended to test the front assembly to make sure that the screen still works but also that all its inner parts are responding correctly. See Step 5 for test instructions. Once the tests are completed, leave the screen connected and move on to the next step.

Caution: Do not pull or put tension on any of the three flex cables from the front assembly as they can tear. Work the connectors slowly and carefully. They need to be pressed with a bit of force to fully connect but keep in mind that they are small and somewhat fragile. It can take several attempts before they are correctly aligned and connected. Patience is key.

Hold the front asssembly adjacent to the back assembly.

Align the touch connector with its socket and press one of it's ends.

Move your finger across the connector to fully connect it.

Align and connect the LCD connector the same way as the previous connector.

Align and connect the vertical front camera connector.

Finally, connect the battery's connector.

Step 15
Secure the two remaining metal shields.

Put the top right metal shield in place over the front assembly connectors. The shield has tiny fish hooks on its left side which should latch into frame underneath.
Secure it with its Phillips screws (iPhone 5: 3 screws, iPhone 5C, 5S, SE: 4 screws).
iPhone 5: The longest screw goes in the top right hole.
iPhone 5C: The longest screw goes in the top right hole, the second longest screw in the top left hole.
iPhone 5S & SE: The two longest (equally long) screws go in the top right and top left holes.
All models: the two short screws go in the two bottom holes.
Risk for motherboard damage if these screws are placed in the wrong hole.

Secure the battery connector's metal shield with its two Phillips screws. The screws are of slightly different lengths on the iPhone 5; top screw is slightly longer than the bottom screw.
The screws on the iPhone 5C, 5S and SE are of the same length.

Metal shield's fish hook have latched on.

Metal shield is held in place.

5S and SE users: the two longest screws go in the top left and top right hole.

Longest screw in the top right hole being screwed fasten with the Phillips screwdriver in the picture. Red arrow and yellow circle shows the fourth screw on the 5C, 5S and SE.

Pick up and place the battery connector's metal shield.

Secure the battery connector's metal shield with its two Phillips screws.

Step 15.5
5S and SE users ONLY (iPhone 5 and 5C users, skip to Step 16).
Re-connect the home button flex cable connector.

Time to reconnect the home button flex cable's connector to the motherboard. First the front assembly needs to be aligned at its top side. Guide the front assembly's notches into the metal frame then lower the front toward the back assembly.
Once there's a 1-2 inch (2.5-5 cm) gap, identifying the socket on the motherboard then guide the connector from the flex cable on top of the socket with the plastic spudger. Once the connector and socket are aligned, press down the connector gently with the spudger until it snaps onto the socket.
Grab the metal shield and place it on top of the connector, then press it down until its hook snaps into the metal frame.
Continue to the next step and fully secure the front assembly into the back assembly.

Arrow showing the notches on the front assembly.

Front assembly lowered toward the back assembly.

Identify the socket on the motherboard, between the battery and the charging port.

Guide the connector on top of the socket with the plastic spudger then attach them but pressing the connector downwards.

Place the metal shield on top of the connector then secure the plate with its hook (non-essential step).

Step 16
Assemble the front assembly with the back assembly.

The front assembly has notches on its top side that need to fall into the top of the metal back assembly. Hold the top of the front assembly adjacent to the top of the back assembly then lower the screen while pressing the screen upwards so that the tops are aligned. Once the screen is lowered, press the front together with the back by sliding and pressing with a finger on both long sides and then the bottom side. Visually inspect the phone and confirm that the front assembly is fixed inside the back assembly.

Arrow showing the notches on the front assembly.

Front assembly lowered toward the back assembly.

Front assembly pressed together with back assembly.

Front assembly pressed from other side.

Press from top to bottom.

Bottom part pressed together.

Front fitted in back assembly.

Step 17
Screw fasten the bottom screws & start the phone.

Pick up the two identical pentalobe bottom screws with the magnetic screwdriver, the tweezers or with fingers and put them in place. Use the pentalobe screwdriver to secure them.
Start the phone.
After a repair the time and date can be be reset to factory default. Because of this the phone might not detect the SIM-card and will show "Searching…" in the top left corner.
Connect your phone to iTunes or a WiFi network and wait a few seconds until the time and date are automatically set.
Restart your phone. It is now ready to be used.

Repair complete.

Fasten the two pentalobe bottom screws.

Disclaimer: Replacing the phone screen can result in complications if not done correctly or if the iPhone is already damaged. ScandiTech cannot be held responsible for any damage or problems caused on the phone before, during or after the repair process.
If our instructions are not clear, we recommend emailing our support or consulting another replacement guide.

Iphone 5 Screen Shows After Hardware Screws Not Put Back in Right Spots

Source: https://scandi.tech/pages/iphone-5-5c-screen-replacement-guide

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