Funny Meme Gay Guy With Mustache and Long Hair

Wondering who are the best gay TikTok accounts to follow this year? Here's some inspiration for you with our roundup of the Top 10 LGBTQ TikTok influencers!

Ok, ok, we finally gave in to the TikTok craze…

After months of faking a smile and nodding along as our friends chatted about viral videos, dances, and bright-eyed influencers, we bit the bullet and downloaded the app. And call us fish because we are hooked!

Seby and I never thought we could spend hours staring at a screen and yet here we are. We won't humiliate ourselves by telling you our screen time – we don't think you'd look at us the same way ever again.

The best part about it is that there is content for everyone. If you're a musical theatre stan, Broadway TikTok will open its doors for you. If you love fitness, that side of the app will knock you out of the park. And of course, the best side of Tiktok, like the greatest part of anything, is that this is where the gays are at! If you're not on gay TikTok, you are missing out…

From academic geeking out over gender and homosexuality discourse, history lovers sharing facts about queer icons, drag queens lip-syncing iconic songs, and thousands of hot gay guys to gush over – there's something for everyone. We bumped heads a couple of times making this list, but we finally came to an agreement. Here are our top 10 best gay TikTokers to follow in 2022. For more, make sure you hit up our guide to the best gay Instagrammers to follow.


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What makes a good gay TikToker?

On top of posting consistent videos that feed our over-active brains, we think some of the key parts in becoming a good gay TikToker goes something like the following:

  • Positivity: it might seem like a small thing, but have you noticed how much LGBTQ media is obsessed with making gay life look so miserable? If it's not homophobic bullies, it's dealing with self-hatred or unaccepting parents. So, it's beyond refreshing to have something where gay people can share their stories, their love lives, their adventures, with unabashed queerness. On TikTok, we get to be seen having fun, letting loose, dancing, and being our gorgeous, fabulous selves.
  • Education: we love learning about all aspects of the LGBTQ community. Whether it's finding out about a queer historical figure or smarting up on issues that exist in the gay community, like racism and misogyny, it's super important to be educated.
  • Inspiring: so many closeted gay people across the world turn to TikTok to see themselves be represented. Seeing an out and proud gay influencer gives followers the courage to open up and be themselves.
Check out our Tik Tok account for cute couples videos and travel inspo

Follow us on Tik Tok!

We love to use our Tik Tok to inspire gay travel and share all our tips from our adventures around the world as a gay couple. During all the lockdowns and quarantines we've all had to go through, we used our TikTok to post our workout videos, as well as all my pranks on Seby.

Follow us on Tik Tok

1. Kayes Hurricane

Kayes Hurricane is a gay Arab Muslim, living in Indiana, USA. When he isn't busy making his followers swoon over his dreamy looks, he is making tons of goofy videos that will have you in stitches. Prepare for dad jokes, pop culture gaffs, and inside humour that only us gays can relate to.

His popularity shows how vital an app like TikTok is for all types of marginalised communities. Representation matters and there are millions of LGBTQ people out there that are brown-skinned and/or Muslim who are afraid to come out due to a lack of visibility.

Not everyone has the space to turn on a gay movie/TV show in their living room for fear of a family member walking in. But what they can do is go to Kayes' TikTok and see how fabulous and unstoppable an LGBTQ person of any color can be.

This is our fave video by Kayes to check out!

Kayes Hurricane is a gay Arab Muslim who shares hilarious Tik Tok videos

2. Doctor Carlton

We know, we know.

As gay guys, we get how terrifying the word "doctor" can be. We can practically feel our own jewels jump back into their shell when we hear the dreaded D-word! But believe us when we say that TikTok's Doctor Carlton is informative, friendly… and eh, he's not so bad to look at either…

He gives amazing advice on the importance of HIV testing, safe bedroom fun, and looking after your body. As an openly gay man himself, he understands that members of the LGBTQ community tend to feel more comfortable talking to fellow queer people about their body issues. He also gives invaluable advice such as the best ways to find LGBTQ and gay-friendly doctors.

It's not all serious with him either. He loves making silly videos, talking about his partner and his everyday life with a few Dad-joke-like poo-rfect puns thrown in for good measure.

Here's our fave video by Doctor Carlton to check out!

Doctor Carlton's Tik Tok is our go-to for funny and informative videos with advice for gay viewers

3. Yani Macute

When you aren't reading our own gay travel guides, you should be watching Yani Macute's TikToks! He gives great advice on how to avoid food poisoning when traveling, the best phone apps to download, and how to stay safe. No matter how experienced we may think we are at the travel game, there are always new things to learn, which is why we love his videos.

Macute also does plenty of videos on traveling as a gay person, particularly around homophobic countries. He does a stellar job in showing the underground gay scenes in places like Malaysia, highlighting the importance of these queer-friendly safe spaces.

He also does a whole bunch of light-hearted videos such as showcasing how awesome the drag queens in Thailand are…bad girl Ri Ri just got even badder! We especially love his series on travel hacks that allow you to book flights/hotels for free.

This is one of our favorite videos by Yani in which he cleverly uses a popular TikTok trend.

Yani Macute is a gay Tik Tok influencer who shares lots of travel inspo and advice

4. RomeoTwink

If you took Disney's Joshua Bassett and mixed him up with Justin Timberlake circa 2001…you'd get RomeoTwink! He's a young, fresh-faced guy who posts funny takes on coming out, going on your first gay date, and "losing the V-card" (whatever that means *cough cough*). Followers can't help but fall in love with his brown eyes, bright smile, and infinite charm – and that includes his many female fans. Sorry huns, this Romeo ain't quite looking for a Juliet…

It's guys like Romeo that has made us fall in love with TikTok. There was a time when it was so rare to see young LGBTQ people being comfortable with their online identity and expressing themselves openly, spreading their gay magic! Thanks to gay TikTok accounts like RomeoTwink, many teenagers, and closeted adults get to see how incredible being LGBTQ is, which inspires them to find that inner confidence within themselves.

We know that if we were in our late teens/early 20s, seeing someone like RomeoTwink would have massively boosted our morale by miles.

This is our fave of Romeo's videos to check out.

RomeoTwink is a cute young gay Tik Tok influencer who posts funny and informative videos

5. Abe Yoon

Abe Yoon is sassy, sarcastic, and built like a Greek God – where can we adopt him?

We don't just love him for his hilarious sense of humor, where his wit is as dry as the Sahara Desert. Nope, we love him for how informative he is. He uses his comedic chops to point out the problems within the gay dating world, Asian stereotypes, and the cringeworthy experiences he has had to face.

In one of our favorite of his many gay TikTok videos, he mimics a conversation tons of Asians have had where white guys say they'd "never date an Asian". We say – what self-respecting person wants to date a racist, right?!

The Asian community has been poorly represented in entertainment – and gay Asians even more so. We like to believe it is changing and platforms like TikTok allow influencers like Abe Yoon to provide visibility for this marginalized group. We believe it's super important for white gay guys especially to follow so they can quickly become aware of any microaggressions they may be causing without realizing.

This is our pick of Abe's best video to check out.

Watch Abe Yoon's Tik Toks for humor and sharp takes on Asian representation and gay dating

6. Sugar & Spice

Not sure if RuPaul is looking for the first pair of drag twins to appear on the show…but she'd be a fool to pass over the gay TikTok Coyle twins, aka Sugar and Spice. They can do comedy, they can serve looks, and they're utterly lovable – we're placing our bets now that they'd BOTH reach the Top Four.

Known as Sugar and Spice to over 7 million followers, we are dying for them to show us how they go from muscled everyday boys to "cartoon life-sized dolls".

They love answering fan questions with clever rhymes. Like when someone asked about their preferred pronouns, they responded with "we don't really care what you call us, he, she, they, them, we're just boys that like to dress up as fem!" Shakespeare was found shaking…

They also share hilarious storytimes, including how their grandmother almost caught them in drag. On top of the story, they were wearing our favorite look they've ever served – a Spice Girl homage! Sugar was dressed as Baby, whilst Spice was giving us Ginger-in-the-iconic-Say-You'll-Be-There-music-video realness.

This is one of our favorite Sugar & Spice videos to check out.

The Coyle Twins are gay drag artists on Tik Tok who should definitely be on RuPaul soon

7. Olly & Mama LuLu

Iconic! Simply an iconic duo.

Not only are Olly and Lulu super adorable, but they have helped shape internet culture in the 2020s. They've inspired tons of memes that have been seen around the globe. From sassy one-liners to Lulu's hilarious facial expressions, they've never put out a dull video!

Many of their TikToks involve them sitting with their family enjoying dinner when Olly either pranks his adorable mother or does something to annoy her. Their chemistry has caught the attention of 8 million fans, who love making reaction videos to all their hilarious shenanigans.

Having been born in the Philippines, Lulu moved to the USA two decades ago, hoping to raise a beautiful family. And that's exactly what she got! Not only does she have a gay son, but she also has a lesbian daughter. In one of our favorite of their many gay TikTok videos, she answers the question of whether she is homophobic or not. Spoiler alert: she sure ain't!

Here's the best video by Olly and Mama LuLu to check out!

Olly and Mama LuLu are a hilarious mother-son duowho have inspired many gay memes on Tik Tok

8. Pierre Boo and Nicky Champa

We think it should be illegal to be THIS cute!

Yet, Pierre and Nicky are so wholesome and lovely that we can't stay mad at them for their AUDACITY to be that hot on TikTok. They are a vibrant, happy-go-lucky power duo, one of whom happens to be French (we're not saying they're coming for our gig…. but we're not not saying that…).

The boys love to show their followers glimpses of their everyday life, whether it is decorating their house, dancing around in their garden, or, my personal favorite, pulling pranks on each other. Having met at a Hollywood audition several years ago, the pair ditched their movie actor dreams and became gay Tik Tok stars on their own merit. Watching a real-life relationship unfold before our eyes is truly magical – we'd be lying if we didn't say they feel like a mini us!

Their accounts are separate (for now), so make sure to follow both to keep up with their activities. And also check in to read what Forbes wrote about them!

This is our favorite video by the boys to check out.

Nicky Champa and Pierre Boo are two gay Tik Tok influencers you need to check out!

9. Pink Neinu

Pink Neinu is a drag artist based in sunny LA. Pink's TikToks are a combination of comedy and make-up tutorials, often lip-syncing to trending songs whilst transforming into a gorgeous goddess. Pink has done dozens of make-up looks, from the casual to the truly eccentric. We gagged over her Shea Coulee and Trixi Mattel tributes!

Anyone looking to get into drag or simply learn new make-up tricks needs to be following her. Pink has an incredible ability to do a look that slays us within an inch of our lives, whilst still coming across as super lovely and genuine. We'd 100% go out for drinks with her!

Pink Neinu pokes fun at herself quite a lot – doing looks that compare her skills now to how they were back in 2016. She also uses her platform to spread awareness around the Black Lives Matter movement – which we think is super important for people to learn about and lend their support.

This the best video by Pink Neinu to check out.

We love watching Pink Neinu's make up transformations on Tik Tok

10. Jonathan Kung

If you're feeling peckish, looking to try some new snacks, or stuck for what to make for dinner, Jonathan Kung has you covered on his TokTok channel. He has fun dishes, some of which are inspired by Pokémon and other anime shows. We love it when a hot gay guy is a nerd at heart!

Jonathan (who uses he/they pronouns) makes cooking look so easy – Seby said that even I could follow these tutorials. He's passionate about clean eating, experimenting with new flavors/spices, and having fun in your kitchen. There is no "one-way" to do anything when it comes to whipping up a meal.

Jonathan also gives advice on the best kind of cookers to use, must-have utensils you should get for your kitchen, the best foods to eat before/after a workout and what to cook when you're too tired to make something special – we've all been there!

Here's the best video by Jonathan to check out!

Jonathan Kung is a gay chef who shares awesome cooking tips on Tik Tok

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